Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A note for the New Year

Most of us make New Years resolutions about losing a little weight, getting healthier, maybe cleaning out the garage and donating more. These are all great ideas. This year, why not think big!? Ask yourself: Are you living the life you want? Are you doing the most with your gifts? Are you making the most out of your time on this planet? I realize that these are big questions. I'm not assuming (nor should you) that there is anything wrong with the life you have now. I'm talking about living the life you dream of and deserve. Consider it a check up for your spirit and your soul. What small steps do you need to take? It might be as simple as breaking a habit that is detrimental to your health, leaving a job that is no longer fulfilling (or starting one that feels a little scary) or finally taking up a hobby or sport that has intimidated you in the past (I'm going to take ice skating lessons at the new local ice rink!) It might mean figuring out how to carve out more time for an activity (like Yoga classes) or for a person you love.

I'm sure you can think of a million reasons why you can't or shouldn't "rock the boat" in your life. Instead of focusing on the obstacles, why not begin by envisioning what your life would look like if you could design it to your exact specifications. How would you spend an average day? Who would you like to be with? How do you picture yourself feeling physically and emotionally? When you really let that sink in, you may decide the end result is worth the risk of taking the steps you need to get there.

It's your life, after all. Make this your year!

Peace & Blessings for the New year~Andrea