Monday, December 28, 2009

Om shanti, shanti, shanti...

Om, peace, peace, peace...

This mantra is an invocation of peace, often repeated at the end of a session or practice of yoga or meditation. It has two purposes. First, it affirms that peace is available to us at any moment that we choose to tune in to it. Second, repeating this mantra helps to create more peace in the world. According to yoga philosophy, when we call something into being with a pure heart and a focused mind, we are using our consciuosness to shape reality. This is the primary purpose of all mantras: They are tools to manifest intention.

To extract the full power of this beautiful mantra, visualize each word's impact as you recite it.
For example, when reciting the first shanti, you can think of it as asking for peace for yourself; with the second shanti, peace for your family and friends; and with the third , peace for the entire planet.

When you do this with full faith, full devotion and focused intention, you will create greater opportunities to call peace into all aspects of your life.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The End of Water Module...

Today, December 6 th, 2009 and was the last day of the Water Module (one four month module out of four total) in my Advanced Teacher Training studies at Inner Vision Yoga.
This weekends focus was Inversions. The benefits of inversions, the practice of inversions, the teaching of inversions. The knowledge of what glands we are stimulating by practicing inversions (going upside down). Most importantly, that inversions (such as headstand, handstand, plow and shoulderstand) are meant to bring a sense of calm, rather than a sense of panic and fear.

The most important part of this last weekend of training in water module - and of today, this last day of this module, is that we graduate and send three more beautiful master yoga teachers from the program and send them out into the world~to make the world a better place with their teachings. Congratualtions to Kathy, Terese and Colleen!!

I find myself being grateful that I am only in my first module and that I am not finished with this journey of learning just yet. I have taken so much from my first module and am already applying it in my teaching and my everyday life off the mat.

Beautiful call & response from Jeff Martens:
Om so hum
So hum sa-ha

Om so hum
So hum sa-ha

I am that... I am
I am...that I am
I am that...I am
I am that I

Namaste. Peace, love & light~Andrea

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Flowin' with Cohen!

This weekend in ATT (advanced teacher training) we had a guest teacher. The beautiful Lisa Cohen came to Inner Vision Yoga to guest teach a master workshop called "Being in the Flow".

Lisa taught us about creative sequencing, fun music, incorporating a theme or metaphor into your teaching and above all~ don't forget to be JOYOUS and have a sense of humor!
* Here are a few more teaching tips from Lisa:
~ Teach what you know!
~Create a Theme or idea for each class have a message you want to convey, something they can take with them into the world.
~Find your voice (not someone else's). It is okay to borrow someone else's words, but messages that ring true to you will stick with you and seem more genuine.
~Be joyous! Rejoice! Ujayyi-victorious, try not to take it all too seriously.
~Being scared is a waste of time! Feel the fear and do it anyway (on or off the mat).

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Movie recommendation...

Last weekend in my master teacher training program at Inner Vision Yoga studio in Chandler, we talked about quantum physics in relation to yoga practice, specifically Patanjalis last three limbs; Dhrana, Dhyana and samadhi.
I highly recommend this movie, "What the Bleep (do you know)!?" This movie will make you think, question your own existence and hopefully open your eyes and mind to a whole new way of thinking about your relation to the universe we live in.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Yoga Kula

Every once in a while, if we are lucky enough, we get the chance to spend some quality time with like minded individuals who share a common passion or a common goal. This weekend I had the chance to escape from the every day and find some peace and serenity on a 3- day Yoga Retreat with Inner Vision Studio.

The retreat was in the white mountains of Arizona in the quaint town of Christopher Creek just past the city of Payson. The air was crisp with fall, the sky so blue against the tall pines and the trees were joyously turning colors for our arrival.

The group of 40 self-proclaimed yoga enthusiasts joined our fearless leaders and master teachers for the weekend; Maredith and Josh, up at Christopher Creek Lodge. With pine needles on our sticky mats, we embarked on our journey of 4 yoga classes in three days and a beautiful 3 mile hike around Woods Canyon Lake. Meals were shared together, some enjoyed dancing, playing board games, and even a bonfire til the late hours of the night. Making new friends and enjoying conversations about how we found yoga and what it means to us today makes us all realize, that we come for one reason or another- to share a common experience of creating more peace in the world one breath at a time.

In sanskrit the word Kula means community. An intentional community which promotes creativity, wellness, healing and personal growth with an awareness of the sacred. A yoga kula means friends, energy, spirit and support. I was privileged this weekend to become part of the Inner Vision Yoga kula. I take with me from this weekend the love and warmth of my yoga kula, knowing that it is there for me anytime I need it, on or off the mat.
(photo is of the entire Inner Vision retreat group before saturdays yoga hike around Woods Canyon Lake).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Downward Facing Dogs!!

Not sure what the soldier is doing, but to me this looks like an outdoor Yoga class
with some beautiful dogs being lead by their Yoga Instructor!
Just thought you might enjoy this one!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita
This ancient yogic text was the subject of the first weekend of my advanced yoga teacher training studies at Inner Vision Studio. This text is challenging to the reader to say the least.
Is it a true story? An allegory, or maybe a metaphor?? Is it possible for a book to be all three; true, an allegory and a working metaphor all at once?!
*More answers and insights will be coming soon!!
Namaste til then~Andrea

Monday, September 14, 2009

Andrea recommends...

These are just a few of my latest and greatest finds in the Organic -better for you- world that is available to us all.
I figured that this time, I would take the pics of the food items on my actual kitchen table so that you know for sure that I walk the talk! In other words, yes I really do eat and drink all of this yummy/good for you stuff!
All of my current "Andrea recommends..." items can be found at Costco.
From top to bottom we have:
1- Organic Creamy Tomato and Basil soup
2- Pacific- Organic Free Range Chicken Broth (great to start a nice homemade soup out with)
3- Kirkland Organic Mocha Caffe Frappe
4- Pacific - Organic Ready to Drink Iced Tea (in lemon, it also comes in 2 other flavors)
5- World Gourmet-Garden Veggie Staws- my new favorite -when I need a crunch snack!
6- Tribe- All natural Hummus- in the Classic Snacker Pack Box. **These are truly great because you get 16 little/single serve containers. All you need is a zip-loc of cut-up celery and you are ready to go!!
So enjoy!!
Namaste until next time~Andrea

Monday, August 31, 2009

A new journey!

Come with me on a new journey! On Friday September 11th I begin my Advanced Teacher Training studies at Inner Vision Yoga Studio. I will do my best to post more frequently and keep you updated on what I am learning in my continuing education training. The next 300 hours of my certification (to become a 500 hour RYT) will take me 16 months to complete. Even though I already have a 200 hour Hatha Yoga certification and have taught more than 1,000 hours of Yoga classes, I am scared and excited about the upcoming training schedule and requirements. My life is already busy with a husband, full-time job in marketing and two teenage boys with activities such as football and church youth group. But the one thing I know for sure, after a busy day with my boys and the stress that comes with work-my mat-my yoga mat is the one place I feel totally in my skin, at peace with the world around me. I teach yoga to share this feeling with others-so that they can feel at peace with themselves and the world too.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Saturday Boot Camp!

Hi Everyone!
Some of you already know that I am running "Yoga for Life & Fitness" BootCamp every Saturday morning in Gilbert! The response has been great so far and I'm having a lot of fun combining my love of the outdoors, my group fitness knowledge and the unlimited benefits of Yoga into a one hour BootCamp style class.
Class includes:
- Legs/glutes
-Yoga poses

We meet at the Track at Mesquite Jr. High which is just west of Gilbert Road between Warner and Elliot off Mesquite Rd. A quick Map quest will get you there!

**Drop-in class is only $10.00 while I work on the build-out of an official Website for this program. More days, times , locations and teachers will be announced as the weather becomes cooler.
Please be there a little early if it is your first time to sign a waiver.
Meet 8:15 am- we work out from 8:30 -9:30 am, and there is a Jamba Juice up the road at Gilbert and Baseline if anybody wants to grab a friend and have a chat after -or just go with me!!
Join me on my latest venture!


Boot Camp Testimonial-
Since never doing/practicing yoga before I didn't know what to expect. Andrea did a great job of mixing a physical workout with yoga. She is an excellent teacher that is informative, encouraging, and shares her knowledge with ease. Andrea instructed how to properly do the pose, took the time to make adjustments, and explained what you should be focusing on to take full advantage of the class. Andrea creates an atmosphere that is supportive and there was no sense of "competition" or judgement in her class. After the class I had more energy throughout the day, all of my muscles were more relaxed and I felt more flexibility and motion in areas that have been previously sore or limited range of motion. Andrea made my first experience a memorable one and I cannot wait to go again!
~Steve S. in Gilbert

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Have a great summer!!

Hello all Yogis and Yoginis!

Thank you for the continued support of my little piece of the web! I will be taking a break from my yoga blog "Yoga for You" for the summer for some much needed family time and travel.

Keep up with your yoga practice and meditation and your journey of self-discovery through the beautiful warm months otherwise known as summer! Get outdoors! Do something in nature, a hike, a boat ride, a picnic-just enjoy being outside in the sun. I know I will!!

Peace & Blessings to all~Andrea
*Featured pose- Vasisthasana-side plank pose- one arm balance. Builds shoulder, upper arm and back strength. This yoga asana transcends gravity! It requires stamina, strength and detailed attention to alignment.

**Also- I leave with you a book to read over the summer:
"Happens every day" - Isabel Gilles

Monday, May 25, 2009

Just thought I'd share

Vrksasana-Tree Pose
Clarifies just how challenging it can be to stand on one leg.
A balancing posture like tree pose may take you to your edge, but finding your center will keep you from toppling over.
*Photo taken on Peralta Trail/Weavers Needle-photo by my hiking partner Angie Bulkley.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Guest Teaching Appearance!

Hi Everyone!
I am excited to annouce that I will be guest teaching a FREE Yoga class at the Lucy Clothing Store at San Tan Village Mall on Friday May 15th.
I will be at the store from 2-6pm that day giving Fitness tips and Yoga advice and the Free class will be from 5-6 pm in-store.
All you need to do is go in store now and sign up!
Hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Andrea recommends...

The last one...
This is a beautiful Yoga book, "The Yoga of Discipline" by Swami Chidvilasananda. Any yogi or yogini will enjoy the beautiful words of this wonderful, wise one. How to apply yoga principles to your everyday off the mat. Peace~ enjoy my recommendations~Namaste for now~Andrea The next item is...Honest Tea. I love the Organic Honey Green Tea which has 250mg of EGCG Super-Antioxidant in every bottle! They say if you can eat or drink things that have five ingredients or less it is better for you. The ingredients in this tea: organic can sugar (only 9g), organic green tea, organic honey, citric acid and purified water. Costco even carries it in a 12 pack, and who doesn't shop at Costco nowadays?? **Tip: try pouring some tea in a mug and warming to drink in the a.m.-yum!! Here is the next fantastic-must have item I am recommending...The Lip Scrub by Sara Happ!! It comes in different "flavors" you could say. I love the Brown Sugar lip scrub. You're asking, "What does lip scrub have to do with a Blog about Yoga?" Well, part of a regular yoga practice is wanting to look and feel your best, and this lip scrub makes my lips feel great!! Just like yoga-younger and revitalized! Give it a try! You can find it online or if you live in Gilbert, AZ with me, you can find it at my hair place with my hair gal Molly.
OK, here are the other little beauties I am recommending....
Pamela's Products Simplebites Extreme Chocolate Mini Cookies!!!
I can't begin to tell you how good these little chocolate cookies are! They have a real chocolate taste, a nice crunch to them and they are All Natural, Wheat-Free, Gluten Free and 0 Trans Fat!! Again...guilt free!!

The first "food item" I am recommending is...
Late July Organic Dark Chocolate Intense and Decadent Sandwich Cookies!
These cookies are Yummy!!! I found my package at Sprouts.So try your local health food store.
They have 4g of whole grains per serving servings + antioxidants.
For me, I can have one after dinner and satisfy my craving for something sweet with absolutely no guilt whatsoever!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dear Yoga Queen

I have a question for your blog:
I am approaching my 40th birthday very soon and am considering starting a yoga program.
Can yoga really improve my flexibility even at my age?
Dear Amanda,
That's a great question. The answer is yes, it is never too late to improve flexibilty! When it comes to flexibility the first thing people usually think of is simply touching their toes. Which I recommend doing every day in the shower to start getting the body moving. In many cases, low back pain is caused by tight hamstrings (the muscles that lie at the back of the legs above the knee) which cause the hips and pelvis to rotate back, flattening the lower back and causing back problems. Touching the toes everyday can help to reduce, if not eliminate some of the back pain that 80 % of Americans complain about.
When we are talking about "flexibilty" we are really not talking about the bed of the muscle itself, but the ligaments, tendons and connective tissues. When connective tissue is unused or under used (when not stretching), it provides significant resistance and limits flexibility. The elastin ( a component of the tissue) begins to fray and loses some of its elasticity, and the collagen (another component) increases in stiffness and in density. Aging has some of the effects on connective tissue that lack of use has. So it is time to get moving with 40 fast approaching!
As a yoga instructor, the #1 complaint I hear is, "I'm just not flexible." And my answer is always the same, "That's okay, it will come with time." You should expect to increase flexibility gradually. A yoga class is a great place to start as a certified instructor can guide you safely in and out of the stretches. It is important to never use force or frustration. Your body will actually progress more if you yield or surrender to a stretch and use the exhalation to go deeper.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Embracing Change...

Our story begins...

Once there was a frog who lived in a well.... this well was the only home this little froggy had ever known. One day, a beautiful swan came along and landed on the side of the well. The frog had never seen a swan before, and so a conversation began.
The swan eventually asked the frog, "Have you never been outside of this well? It is beautiful, it is huge out here, so much to see, so much to do!" The frog, with a confused look on his froggy face, began to swim furiously around his well. From one side to the other, with incredible energy he swam all around the circumference of the well. Then looking up at the swan he asked, "Surely it isn't bigger than this?" As he looked around at the water in his well. The swan replied, "Yes, it is, it is huge out here and beautiful, there is sooo much to see and to do!" Again, the frog began to swim furiously all around his well. From one side to the other and began again, all around three more times, then panting he asked the swan, "Surely, it isn't bigger than THIS?!" The swan, looking annoyed this time said, "Yes. It IS bigger than this, and stop calling me Shirley!" And the
beautiful swan flew off never to be seen again.
The moral of our story: If we are never open what is bigger and better out there, we will never know. If we keep swimming around in the same well day after day doing the same routine, we will never know change. We have to make small steps every day away from our normal routine if we are in search of change, or something different, or something better.
This year I encourage you-my blog followers-get out of your well!
(this story was borrowed from the wonderful Yogi Jeff Martens at IVY and the beautiful Yogini
Maredith also at IVY who never fail to put a small smile on my face even though they are kickin my behind in Yoga class)