Friday, August 17, 2012

The Silent Treatment

You can't deny the calming effects of meditation. But I've learned from my students, it's not always easy to unplug. Some excuses I hear are; I don't have time! I can't turn my brain off. Or I'm too impatient to sit still. And I tried it, but it didn't work.
Meditation, if done right, only takes ten minutes of your day. I looked at some studies and found that the shortest period of time proven to significantly benefit well-being was 10 minutes. That's all! Make it a part of your morning routine (like brushing your teeth, or taking your vitamins). You'll start the day feeling refreshed and calm, and you'll feel better rather than falling victim to the stress that comes with obligations such as meetings, errands and social outings that arise throughout the day. Instead, you'll feel more grounded and present. Like nothing and no one can bother you.
If you have trouble turning your brain off, don't try! That is actually not the goal of meditation. When you begin to meditate just observe your thoughts and acknowledge them. Don't immediately assume that your thoughts will stop and your mind will grow quiet. Expecting too much will cause you to give up or get stuck on trying to stop thinking. They key is don't resist and thoughts or feelings like worry or anxiousness. Resisting only fuels the emotions. Allow your thoughts to come and go naturally like waves. This way, they will wash over you and eventually disappear.
If you find yourself too impatient to sit still, impatience arises out of boredom. You may thinking about getting somewhere or achieving something rather than just letting yourself be. Let go of the past and the future! Meditation is about living in the present moment. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is just to be present. By bringing the mind to the here and now and simply experiencing life as it happens, moment by moment, you'll find there is no room for impatience.
If you tried it, but it didn't work, then you are looking for results. You need to take the time to pause and appreciate the ability to sit and be still. There is a tendency in life to take things for granted. We know we should be more grateful for things, but that is not always our everyday experience. Being Grateful is a daily practice. When you can remove yourself from your day to day worries, a genuine appreciation of things you have in your life-the people, the relationships-you will come to a place of gratitude and true contentment. That is what ultimately leads to peace of mind.
*Remember, if you've ever been in one of my yoga classes you've probably heard me say, "There are no problems in the present moment, there is only the moment".

Monday, July 2, 2012

Dealing with stress...

Whenever we encounter a stressful event, our bodies undergo a series of hormonal and biochemical changes that put us in "alarm mode". Our heart rate increases, adrenaline rushes through our blood stream, and our digestive and immune systems temporarily shut down. If the stressors continue and we stay on high alert for a prolonged period of time, we experience exhaustion and burn out. Often times we get sick with something we 'just can't shake'.
None of us can avoid stress, but we can return to a state of balance and regulation through a variety of means, including deep breathing, meditation, yoga and regular exercise. These activities provide calming and relaxing sensory input for stress relief and can be selected according to lifestyle and personal preference.

**Don't forget, one of the best ways to let go of stress is to take a vacation!!
Above Andrea Hutchens, E-RYT in Eka Pada Rajakapotasana on the beach
at Lake Powell.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Arizona/Sedona Yoga retreat

I am so sorry!! I just looked and was shocked to see that I haven't posted on my Yoga blog since March of last year!! Aacckk! For those that follow, I do apologize for having abandoned you completely.

Now, for the good news! I am still teaching yoga classes in Arizona, and in fact, I am getting ready to take a group of fabulous women on a Goddess Yoga retreat to Sedona. I can't even tell you how excited I am about this!! To plan, arrange, facilitate every aspect of taking a group of women away from the real world and create a unique experience of bonding and having the luxury of 5 yoga classes over the 3 day weekend. Planning delicious menus, special music playlists, naming each bedroom of the estate a different beautiful Sanskrit word. Then having the retreat participants research thier bedroom name over the weekend (in only books of course-no electronics allowed!) and learn as much about the sanskrit word as possible, fun!!

So, if you want information to register for the retreat. I will accept one or two late registrations. The dates are Feb. 24, 25, 26th 2012. The cost is $350.00 and includes accomadations at a 5,000 square foot private estate in Sedona, all meals and snacks, 5 yoga classes over the 3 days. And a departure gift for each participant. We begin on Friday at 3:00pm and end on Sunday at 3:00pm. For info contact me:
Happy New Year, peace and namaste...Andrea