Every once in a while, if we are lucky enough, we get the chance to spend some quality time with like minded individuals who share a common passion or a common goal. This weekend I had the chance to escape from the every day and find some peace and serenity on a 3- day Yoga Retreat with Inner Vision Studio.
The retreat was in the white mountains of Arizona in the quaint town of Christopher Creek just past the city of Payson. The air was crisp with fall, the sky so blue against the tall pines and the trees were joyously turning colors for our arrival.
The group of 40 self-proclaimed yoga enthusiasts joined our fearless leaders and master teachers for the weekend; Maredith and Josh, up at Christopher Creek Lodge. With pine needles on our sticky mats, we embarked on our journey of 4 yoga classes in three days and a beautiful 3 mile hike around Woods Canyon Lake. Meals were shared together, some enjoyed dancing, playing board games, and even a bonfire til the late hours of the night. Making new friends and enjoying conversations about how we found yoga and what it means to us today makes us all realize, that we come for one reason or another- to share a common experience of creating more peace in the world one breath at a time.
In sanskrit the word Kula means community. An intentional community which promotes creativity, wellness, healing and personal growth with an awareness of the sacred. A yoga kula means friends, energy, spirit and support. I was privileged this weekend to become part of the Inner Vision Yoga kula. I take with me from this weekend the love and warmth of my yoga kula, knowing that it is there for me anytime I need it, on or off the mat.
(photo is of the entire Inner Vision retreat group before saturdays yoga hike around Woods Canyon Lake).