Monday, April 28, 2008

Happiness-it's a choice.

For just a moment I want you to think about the happiest person you know.
Someone who every time you see them they are full of joy, bliss, contentment.
You always look forward to seeing them, they never complain about anything
and you feel better for just having been around them.
Now ask yourself, what is the difference between the person you thought of and you?
Of course, the answer is- nothing. There is no difference. Happiness is a choice.
Happiness, joy, bliss- what you decide to give to those around you in your life is all
up to you.
Happiness is a choice. It's a choice, a decision that you make everyday when you swing
your legs over the bed each morning. You put one foot down and then the other and you
decide that breathing in and out for this day is enough to bring you happiness.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Chinese symbol for happiness

Coming soon...Who is the happiest person you know?

And why?

Friday, April 4, 2008

Just feels like home...

When I was 12 years old, my parents moved to Arizona. We lived literally 15 minutes from the base of the beautiful Superstition Mountain. I quickly grew to love that mountain. Still, to this day, I always take the time to look at its magnificence. I take the time to be grateful to live so close to something so amazing. A symbol of timeless beauty, nature, peace and to just feels like home.

In yoga practice, we stand in Tadasana or Mountain Pose to bring ourselves back to center. Many yoga poses or asanas were named by the ancient rishis for the beauty they saw in nature. Reminding us to be grateful for the earth and its natural beauty.

As an adult, I quickly grew to love the practice of Yoga. I take the time each day to be grateful that I have found this ancient practice (actually, I believe yoga found me). Much like the Superstition Mountain, yoga is also a symbol of timeless beauty, nature, peace, and to just feels like home. Namaste-Andrea