Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Earth Module comes to an end...

This past weekend, brought the end of Earth Module, the third module in my master teacher training at Inner Vision Yoga. As always, I reach the end of this module with gratitude for my teachers, all that I have learned in the last 10 months, and for my fellow students in the program. I am also grateful that I am not done!!! I have one more module in the fall beginning at the end of August and going to the beginning of December.
So, with todays post I'd like to wrap up the module with some wonderful words of wisdom that my guru, my master teacher, Jeff Martens shared with us on Sunday:

* Life is the ultimate Guru~the ultimate teacher!!
* When you teach, unexpected things will happen during class, It is your job as a master teacher to find the GIFT in it!
*Trust yourself completely to be lead by higher action~ "sacred action".
*Teach from a place of helping people to evolve to another state of being. To looking at life with a different, evolved perspective.
*Always respond, never react-reacting comes from a place of fear. Be present, Breathe and Trust.
*Just choose to step out of the way of conflict. It is like a punch that doesn't connect with anything. There is no force there to resist, so it loses energy.
*Teaching a yoga class is always about the students, NOT YOU!
*And lastly, Quitting is not an option! Krishna says to do your work fully and surrender the fruits of your actions.
~This is Karma Yoga~

Peace, love, Namaste and Congratulations to Bobu, Ken, Lynette and Brigette who graduated from the program on Sunday. I will miss you all!!♥

1 comment:

Sara said...

Such beautiful words from a beautiful yogini. Your words are so thoughtful and clear. I enjoy your website and all the information you have to share. Thank you!