Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ask Yoga Queen

Dear Yoga Queen,

My yoga instructor is wonderful and at the end of every class she ends with 'praying hands', then bows and says Namaste. I say it back to her, only because the other students do, but I am always compelled to say thank you afterward. Then I feel awkward because she simply smiles and remains silent. Help! What is the proper etiquette and am I offending her by saying thank you? -Cyndi

Dear Cyndi,

The way you describe your teacher ending your class has become fairly standard in western yoga classes. Namaste is translated as "I bow to you," making it a lovely gesture of equality since the teacher bows first to the students and the students then return the favor of gratitude and respect. Although it isn't necessary to thank the teacher again in english, it is in no way rude. If you feel incomplete without saying thank you, you should continue to say it as no one could possibly be offfended by words of gratitude.

Namaste (and thank you)

Yoga Queen (aka Andrea)

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