Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Welcome one and all!!

First of all let me say how excited I am to be getting my first blog site off the ground!

Instead of an 'official' website -you'll be able to visit me here for yoga advice, yoga events,yoga photos and basically anything to do with yoga in az and anything to do with me!

So, sit back, relax, take a deep breath and join me on my journey.




Amanda said...

WooHoo! Love it! I'm so glad you've joined the rest of us crazies who can't get enough of blogging! I'll check back often. Looking forward to what you have to say! :)

baby nurse said...

This is great! Yoga Queen is perfect for you. When are we going to take some pics of some beautiful poses for you to post? Can't wait to see what you do with this :-) Love Ya!